Family Transition Project

The home is one of the main protective factors in a child's life.  it is usually where behaviour change in a child's life is first detected.  it is therefore important to equip parents with information and the skills to identify drugs, know signs & symptoms of drug use, and where to access help and other resources as needed.

The main aim of 'Family Transitions' is to ensure that parents are kept abreast of challenges which both they and their children may face with regard to the use and abuse of drugs, both legal and illegal.

Research has shown that as children develop cognitively, and biologically, peers are a great source of influence. It is also noted that parents find it challenging to cope with the changes that occur during adolescence. This project equips parents with life skills needed to increase the protective factors in the home and transition the family with the changes that come with the children entering secondary school as well as to combat the abuse of drugs.

Here's a good reference guide for you and your child, 'The Emotions Chart'